City Egg Hunt
In the bustling city, Shelly, Eggbert, and Speckles, three beautifully decorated Easter eggs, are filled with excitement and then anxiety as they prepare for the City Easter Egg Hunt, influenced by their friend Shelton’s tales of the event’s potential chaos and danger. However, their fears are unfounded, as they are met with gentle care and joy from the children who find them. This experience reveals the true spirit of the Easter tradition, transforming their apprehension into pride and teaching them the importance of their role in bringing happiness. Together with Shelton, they learn that the Easter Egg Hunt is not a fearful ordeal but a cherished celebration that they look forward to participating in again.
Jack’s Farmer’s Market Adventure follows young Jack as he goes on an exciting journey to the West Covina Farmer’s Market. Through
his adventure, Jack discovers the valuable services provided by local businesses to the community. Join Jack and his father and be
inspired to connect with one another and embrace the beauty of the world around you.
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