Panda’s Halloween
“Panda’s Halloween,” written by Adam Knight and illustrated by Elly Karipides, is a whimsical, rhyming children’s book that delves into the joys and unintended consequences of the Halloween season. In this delightful tale, a young panda gets caught up in the excitement of Halloween and decides to don a spooky witch costume. Her get-up is so successful that she manages to scare away all her friends in the forest, leaving her to wander through a hauntingly empty world of her own making.
With its lyrical storytelling, “Panda’s Halloween” takes young readers on a journey that ends in a heartwarming lesson about the true spirit of Halloween. This engaging StoryBook Walk serves as a tender reminder of the importance of community and kindness, making it a seasonal favorite for both kids and adults.
Join Panda as she learns a valuable lesson about the true spirit of Halloween after her witch costume scares away her forest friends. Perfect for teaching kids the importance of kindness and community, this book is a must-read for a joyous and inclusive holiday celebration.
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